10α Invest Cyprus International Investment Awards

10α Invest Cyprus International Investment Awards

Με μεγάλη επιτυχία πραγματοποιηθήκαν για δέκατη συνεχή χρονιά τα Ιnvest Cyprus International Investment Awards, ο θεσμός που αναδεικνύει και επιβραβεύει ξένες εταιρείες που δραστηριοπούνται στην Κύπρο και με την παρουσία τους συμβάλλουν στην ανάπτυξη της οικονομίας και την εξέλιξη της χώρας μας σε διεθνές επιχειρηματικό κέντρο.Η φετινή τελετή απονομής των βραβείων έλαβε χώρα την Παρασκευή 1η Ιουλίου στο Parklane Spa & Resort στη Λεμεσό και ήταν υπό την αιγίδα του Προέδρου της Δημοκρατίας, Νίκου Αναστασιάδη.

Στο πλαίσιο των 10ων Ιnvest Cyprus International Investment Awards βραβεύθηκαν για τη συνεισφορά τους στην κυπριακή οικονομία και την ενίσχυση του νησιού μας ως διεθνούς επιχειρηματικού κέντρου, συνολικά επτά εταιρείες.

Στην τελετή απονομής των 10ων Ιnvest Cyprus International Investment Awards έδωσε το παρών της η αφρόκρεμα της επιχειρηματικής κοινότητας της Κύπρου, επενδυτές, επαγγελματίες του τομέα των υπηρεσιών, καθώς και εξέχουσες προσωπικότητες της πολιτικής ζωής του τόπου.

Τα Invest Cyprus International Investment Awards παρουσίασε η Pwc Κύπρου.

Χρυσός Χορηγός: Eurobank Cyprus

 Powered by: ECOMMBX

Χορηγός Επικοινωνίας: Alpha Κύπρου

Διοργανωτές: Invest Cyprus, IMH και περιοδικό GOLD

Δείτε όλα τα στιγμιότυπα των βραβείων εδώ.


PwC Cyprus

In a world that is constantly evolving, our aim at PwC Cyprus is to find the right solutions to complex problems. We focus on quality and build strong relationships based on trust, creating value for our clients, stakeholders and society. Based on PwC’s new global strategy, “The New Equation”, we look at problems from different angles and present innovative solutions that make a difference and lead to sustained outcomes. More than 1100 people in Cyprus join forces with 370,000 professionals of our global network in 149 countries and create an experienced team that combines intelligent approaches, experience and technological innovation. Visit www.pwc.com.cy to discover the benefits we can bring to you.

Gold Sponsor

Eurobank Cyprus

Since the commencement of our operations in 2007, with a network of 8 Banking Centers across the island, we have achieved impressive growth rates, consistently demonstrated healthy profitability, as well as a strong capital base and liquidity position. We specialise in Corporate Banking for local and foreign entities, in Wealth Management for High-net-Worth Individuals and Institutional Asset Management, while leveraging on the Group’s integrated network in Cyprus, Greece, Luxemburg and the United Kingdom. In addition, we offer high-quality services in International Business Banking, Global Markets and Affluent Banking. Our recent digital transformation enhances our customer-centric approach with the addition of bespoke financial services, innovative products that stand out for their flexibility and robustness, while setting as a key strategic objective to adapt our business and operations in a way that addresses climate change challenges, accommodates social needs and safeguards prudent governance for the Bank itself and its business counterparties.

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Communication Sponsor

ALPHA Cyprus

Since its first day of operation in April 2016, ALPHA Television Cyprus has been implementing and maintaining a high level of quality both in production and operation mode. By choosing Alpha Cyprus, the viewer can watch the biggest TV names from Cyprus and Greece as well as informative and entertaining productions high in quality and presentation. Strategically, ALPHA Cyprus continues to invest and create content by setting high goals on the three key pillars of news, entertainment and fiction, with a strong emphasis on quality and variety in content.


GOLD Magazine

GOLD was first published in 2011 as the first monthly English-language business magazine in Cyprus. Today, it not only consistently promotes good business practices, focusing on the promotion of Cyprus as an international business centre, but has a unique readership, comprising High Net Worth Individ­uals, executives of international companies, and English-speaking Cypriot and non-Cypriot busi­nessmen and women.