Please click on the speaker’s title to download the presentantions:
SESSION 2: Pillars & Widening
Excellent Science
Ms. ARANO Begoña – REA, European Commission
Ms. ZOBBI Roberta – DG RTD, European Commission
Global Challenges and European Industry Competitiveness
Ms. KORDECKA Aleksandra – Horizon Europe Strategic Planning and Programming, DG R&I,
European Commission
Innovative Europe
Mr. MALO Jean-David – European Innovation Council, DG R&I, European Commission
Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area
Ms. PANAGOPOULOU Anna – Common Support Centre, DG R&I, European Commission
SESSION 3: Participation modalities and novelties in applying for funding under Horizon Europe
Proposal submission, evaluation and selection
Ms. VERGARA Isabel – Common Service for Business Processes, DG R&I, European Commission
The new Model Grant Agreement (main rules for participation)
Mr. SCHULTE Reinhard – Common Legal Support Service, DG R&I, European Commission