Waste Wisely aspires to build awareness in consumers and stakeholders (i.e. HORECA businesses, hotel owners, retailers) and encourage them to take measures to prevent food waste. This project will offer information and tips to consumers of different age groups on how to reduce their daily product waste in simple, practical and easy ways. Additionally, the project aims to show that, despite its marketing strategy, the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is one of the most important policies through which food waste can be prevented. Waste Wisely aims to target misconceptions with regard to the CAP and how it can help in the food waste prevention campaign. The project will offer information and material explaining how the CAP works towards this goal. As far as food waste is concerned, the most important aspect of the fight against it is to work towards prevention rather than to try to deal with the problem after the fact and reverse its consequences. To target prevention, the project will work towards raising awareness of food waste and its financial and environmental impact in consumers and retailers alike.
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the promotion of the CAP by informing Cypriot citizens and raising awareness among farmers and non-farmers alike of the aims and benefits of the CAP, with an emphasis on food waste and how the CAP contributes to its prevention/ reduction. Specifically, focus will be given to: the contribution of the CAP towards the delivery of the Commission’s political priorities, the aims and benefits of the CAP to Europe, European farmers and European citizens, addressing misconceptions and disinformation about European agriculture and the CAP, by using facts and backed-up data with a view to raising public awareness of the relevance of EU support to agriculture and rural development through the CAP, food waste and how the CAP aspires to combat it, the marketing strategy of the CAP and misconceptions about it, with a focus on raising awareness and informing the general public and specific target groups. The project aims to address, among others, the challenge of food waste in Cyprus and Europe in general.
The project is co-funded by the European Union.