Cyprus Real Estate and Property Investment Summit and Expo
Cyprus as an International Business Centre and Headquartering Destination
Cyprus is increasingly ranked high on the shortlist of corporate decision-makers when it comes to choosing the right location to establish international and regional headquarters. The island provides access to the EU’s market of over 450 million people and a secure base to tap into the evolving markets of the Middle East and Africa. The island’s ideal strategic location, advanced infrastructure and high quality of life not only represent key reasons to relocate and live on the island but lie at the heart of an investor’s choice to invest in Cyprus. Cyprus’ competitive advantages are significantly enriched by a robust and transparent legal and regulatory framework and an attractive, transparent tax regime, fully compliant with EU, OECD and international laws and regulations, which offer a wide range of incentives and advantages for legal and natural persons.
Cyprus as a Prime Mediterranean Lifestyle Destination
Cyprus’ location in the Eastern Mediterranean makes it one of the most attractive places for affluent and High Net Worth Individuals around the globe to establish a primary or a secondary home. Cyprus can now compete with the South of France and the French Riviera, Greece and the Greek Islands, the Italian Riviera and the Balearic Islands in attracting high-end tourists and residents. Its rich history and cultural heritage, weather, culinary experiences combined with modern amenities like international schools, excellent healthcare, luxury hotels, golf courses, marinas and high-end real estate make Cyprus an attractive, safe and cosmopolitan destination.
The Summit is addressed to a large audience of International Real Estate Investors, Agents, and Professionals. It will analyze the Real Estate Market in Cyprus and explain why the island is becoming one of the most attractive Mediterranean destinations for a primary or secondary residence/holiday home. Investment Opportunities in Real Estate as well as the yields and Return on Investment from the real estate sector in Cyprus will be presented.
The Cyprus Real Estate Investment Summit & EXPO is organised by IMH and will be conducted as a hybrid event on Wednesday, 19 May 2021 at 12:00-14:00 (GMT+3).
Topic Highlights
• The Real Estate Market in Cyprus
• Why Cyprus is Becoming One of the Most Attractive Mediterranean Destinations for a Primary or Secondary Residence/Holiday Home
• Investment Opportunities in Real Estate
• Yields and Return on Investment from the Cyprus Real Estate Sector
H IMH διοργανώνει σε Κύπρο και εξωτερικό, κάθε χρόνο περισσότερα από 200 συνέδρια σεμινάρια, ημερίδες και εμπορικές εκθέσεις καθώς και επιχει-ρηματικές βραβεύσεις σε όλους τους τομείς της αγοράς. Αναλαμβάνει, επίσης, εκδηλώσεις εκ μέρους πελατών. Εξαίρετη πορεία ακολουθεί και το Τμήμα των Media. Τα μηνιαία περιοδικά IN Business και GOLD διαβάζονται από δεκάδες χιλιάδες στελέχη, μάνατζερ και επιχειρηματίες-Κύπριους και ξένους. Η δημοσιογραφική μας ομάδα, ενημερώνει καθημερινά τον κόσμο και μέσω του IN Business Portal ( , και του REPORTER ( . Πρόσφατα στη διαχείριση της ΙΜΗ πέρασε και ο Super FM, ο πρώτος μουσικός ραδιοφωνικός σταθμός της Κύπρου. Η ΙΜΗ, το 2023, λανσάρει το αγγλόφωνο ενημερωτικό Cyprus Business News Portal (CBN), με στόχο να αποτελέσει την καθημερινή πηγή ενημέρωσης και πληροφόρησης για ξένους επιχειρηματίες - επαγγελματίες και όχι μόνο, που διαμένουν στην Κύπρο ή επιθυμούν να μαθαίνουν για την επιχειρηματική σκηνή της χώρας.Η IMH, λαμβάνει μέρος και σε διαδικασίες προσφορών του δημόσιου τομέα, της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και άλλων διεθνών οργανισμών. Μέσω των δραστηριοτήτων της, δίνει την ευκαιρία στις επιχειρήσεις να αναπτυχθούν, να κάνουν networking, να βρουν καινούριους πελάτες και συ¬νεργάτες, να απευθυνθούν σε νέα ακροατήρια και να ανακαλύψουν ευκαιρίες ανάπτυξης.
The Summit will be attended by international professionals representing:
• International Real Estate Clients, Key Agents and Professionals
• International Real Estate Agents
• Family offices
• International Law Firms
• International Accounting Firms
• Private Banks
• Wealth Management departments of Big International Banks
• HNW Cypriots living abroad

GOLD was first published in 2011 as the first monthly English-language business magazine in Cyprus. Today, it not only consistently promotes good business practices, focusing on the promotion of Cyprus as an international business centre, but has a unique readership, comprising High Net Worth Individuals, executives of international companies, and English-speaking Cypriot and non-Cypriot businessmen and women.

As the flagship publication within IMH’s media brands, IN Business magazine, has a 16-year history, during which thousands of examples of good business practices by businesses and businesspeople, brands, commercial practices and developments have been showcased. The aim of IN Business was – and continues to be – the promotion of good Cypriot business.